Monday, March 21, 2011

Blue Mountains

On Sunday Jenn and I went on a tour to the Blue Mountains with Activity Tours.  It was a very rainy day, but we didn't let that stop us from having fun. It was a wonderful day being outside of the city limits. Steve our tour guide was the perfect mix of serious by giving facts that were interesting, and corny by making silly jokes so that everyone in the group could have a little laugh.

The first stop on the tour was to Featherdale Wildlife Park. This is were we got to pet, and take pictures with the Kangaroos and Koalas.

Koala's sleep 16 hours a day! Jealous! 

Jenn and Me


I was tired of being chased by Wallabies and Kangaroos for my ice cream cone so I just gave it to this little guy.


Warm weather Penguin

Flying Foxes 

The second stop was a walk through Wentworth Falls. It was a heck of hike, but we made it! 

Looks like I was digitally added to picture because I am so bright! 

This shows just how hard it was raining.

After Wentworth Falls we stopped in a small town to have lunch. We decided to eat at Fresh, an 
eco-friendly cafe`. When Steven (tour guide) said Fresh had eggs and chorizo on the menu we both were pretty excited!! 

Flat White

eggs, chorizo, grilled tomatoes, and avocado

Third stop on the tour was at Scenic World. Here we rode three rides to help us seen the Blue Mountains a little better the Scenic Skyway, the Steepest railway in the world, and the Scenic Cableway.  Due to the rainy weather there was a lot of fog for pictures, but we really did a great view. 


Waterfall, hard to see in the picture.

Walk through the Rain Forrest 

Must tilt computer screen up on the right side to get the full affect. It is a 52 degree angle. 

Drop straight down


At the tail end of the tour we stopped by Olympic Stadium. Which is basically a huge concrete mini city. 

The very last stop was a ride back to Sydney on a ferry. Here are few pictures from the ride.... 

Luna Park

The End! 

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