Friday, March 18, 2011

Hyde Park & Australian Museum

Great weather to walk to the Australian Museum through Hyde Park! Austin and I absolutely loved it! When I see how much Austin enjoys our new daily activities it makes the day 10 times better. Once again the museum was too big to explore everything in one day, but we will be back! 

Austin was kind enough to entertain by giving me a dino puppet show! (super cute)

Boys and Bugs

This was an interactive table that you could touch, and play with the different animals. It listed the deadliest snakes, spiders, and other sea creatures.

Austin was petting the different fish that would pop up on the big screen 

This is a video of Austin chasing the fish, but I don't know how well it will play.

One of the many dinosaur fossils 

View from the Museum 

1 comment:

  1. Im pretty sure I got the closest I have ever gotten to the Pope right in front of that Church
