Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sydney Wildlife World

Austin and I went out today to the Darling Harbor area, and visited  Sydney Wildlife World! It was really nice because during the week it wasn't busy at all. Some of Austin's favorite exhibits were the bumblebees, ants, and watching the koala bears jump from branch to branch. Wildlife World also had the same theme with Lego's around the whole center.

Boxing Kangaroo 


Huge "rogue" Crocodile ,Rex, he ate two of his previous roommates 
4.6 meters long
Weighs 700 kg 
30-40 years old

Koala (Can't wait to get a picture with one) 

All the Kangaroos are males at Wildlife World to control over populating, and fighting amongst the males. In fact, you can get Kangaroo on the menu at a lot of the restaurants here, Australia is the only country that will eat their national animal. Kangaroos are over populated, so they are hunted. I was told the meat is super lean, but I do not believe I will be trying any. 
Too cute to eat 

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